Nepal Earthquake: just a thought

If there is one thing an earhquake reminds us of, then it is how fragile this life is. And how connected we are as a world family. The tectonic plates don’t care about the boundaries we draw over Mother Earth. To think that in just a split second, this reality we have built up around us can be destroyed, is a humbling thought. If today were the last day of our lives, would each one of us be truly content with who we ARE within??? If not, it is time to start working towards becoming the persons we want to be. Not so much in terms of professions and designations, but as people- as living, breathing manifestations of soul enery. Sending thoughts of peace and prayer to those affected by this earthquake in North India and Nepal.

P.S. More than prayers, it’s our financial support that is going to be needed if impoverished Nepal is to rebuild from the devastating weekend earthquake that claimed more than 3,600 lives.

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